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                Auspicious Dragon Heads Up, Ten Thousand New Elements 2024-01-21

                Auspicious dragon heads high, all the elephants start new. Time as the rafters of the pen, a stroke is being written in Jiawen's dribs and drabs. Looking back, we are fruitful, we are enthusiastic; firm now, we are full of confidence, we are passionate; looking to the future, we are vibrant, high morale. 2024 January 20 this day, Shanghai Jiawen, Zhejiang Jiawen, Anhui Jiawen and all the guests, in the Zhejiang Jiawen auditorium to spend time together.


                The annual meeting in the general manager of the wonderful and sincere New Year's speech opened the curtain, the company's general manager of the year 2023 to do a review, but also on the development of the company to make a comprehensive, objective and fair summary, and put forward the future development of the company in 2024 ideas, at the same time, for all colleagues to send sincere New Year's blessings.

                The annual meeting is certainly not without performances, Jiawen staff created their own colorful cultural programs, such as: dance, songs, guzheng, sketches and so on. On the way, there were also exciting lucky draws to make the whole party climax.

                The opening dance "Thumping Heart" instantly lit up the scene of the annual meeting and brought a wonderful beginning to everyone.


                The skit "Set" also told us that we should be down-to-earth and there is no such thing as pie in the sky.


                The program "Walking Show", creative and novel, brought a different visual experience to all colleagues in a unique way.


                The dance "Night Shanghai", with cheongsam, took us back to the old Shanghai period to see the different flavors at that time.


                The guzheng version of "Celadon Porcelain" was like opening the Pandora's magic box, and the songs that leaked out, interspersed with magical, elegant, ethereal and sexy notes, turned into a magic spell and awakened our sleeping sense of hearing.


                The song "Looking back again", let us see the company from the beginning to the present growth, step by step, the hard work. At the same time those images of the joyful time spent with colleagues came to mind one by one, hitting the soul.


                The chorus of "Tomorrow will be better" expressed the good wishes of Jiawen staff for the company tomorrow.


                In this annual meeting, Jiawen staff organized as many as 23 programs on their own initiative. All of them expressed their love and desire for the company, life and future in different ways.

                In the process of the program, interspersed with staff interactive games, lively and extraordinary. The first place winner of each game will get a grand prize prepared by the company, and other participants will also have other prizes carefully prepared by the company.


                Lucky draw is of course also essential, the company has prepared a number of prizes for all employees, such as: Huawei Tablet PC, Xiaomi phone, Huawei watch, the United States of America fryer and other prizes. With the scrolling of the big screen, we drew out the winners of the first, second and third prizes respectively. With the surprise and warm delivery of the prizes, there was thunderous applause and laughter. We know that more prizes, more gifts, more words, can not express our heart, because of the love of Jiawen, we are here to cohesion. Here are the footprints of our growth together! We are united, hand in hand.


                 The Jiawen New Year's Eve party in a festive and peaceful atmosphere, accompanied by melodious music, a piece of laughter came to an end. Let us in the new year, we must make persistent efforts to create another brilliant and successful.

                ?2016 Shanghai Jiawen Performance Industries Co.,Ltd. 沪ICP备12001352

                Floor 5, building 3, No. 85, Mingnan Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201613, China.

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